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2024 Waypoint Community Involvement Recap

2024 Waypoint Community Involvement Recap

Our Branches Were Busy in Their Communities in 2024 Cozad Tim Sladek, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board at Waypoint Bank, proudly presented a $1,000 donation to Tami Thurn at the Cozad Grand Generation Center. Each year, the Board of Directors chooses to forgo...
A Buzzworthy Attraction in Cozad – Fox Theater

A Buzzworthy Attraction in Cozad – Fox Theater

With community support, Fox Theater is a buzzworthy attraction in Cozad When a first-run movie comes around, moviegoers might expect to wait 15 minutes outside the movie theater in order to get in the door. But 15 years? The people of Cozad and surrounding towns in...

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