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Waypoint Bank – Clay Center Promotes James Martin to Assistant Vice President

Longtime area resident is an integral part of the community

When James Martin first moved to Clay Center with his family as a seventh-grader, he was the new kid in the town. Twenty-three years later, it’s safe to say James has fit right in.

That’s good news for Clay Center because James has become a familiar face across the community – and for customers at Waypoint Bank – Clay Center

Today, James is the new Assistant Vice President of Waypoint Bank—Clay Center, more than five years after he started as a loan officer. 

“I enjoy being able to help my customers on a day-to-day basis with all their financial needs,” James explained. “I like to work with financials as well as build new relationships. I just want to continue to learn new ways to help my customers.”

Connected to Clay Center in Many Ways

He moved to Clay Center from Hastings and graduated from Clay Center Community High School. After earning a degree in Business Finance from Wayne State College, he returned home to join Waypoint Bank—Clay Center.

Today, James is a leader in the Clay Center community and volunteers with Team Mates – a mentoring organization that helps youth in the community. He also organizes and coordinates the summer activities at the ball field through the Clay Center Parks and Rec department and has served as a coach.  He’s grateful that he could help launch Clay Center Child Care in 2023 alongside other Waypoint staff members.  James finds great joy in being active in the community.

He has been married to his wife, Brendell, since 2015, and they have two children. Son Kenneth is seven and loves everything about sports, while daughter Palmer is five and is truly ‘one-of-a-kind’ with her imagination.

“James is a very important member of our team here at Waypoint Bank,” says Branch President Jessie Anderson. “This new role will have James doing everything from customer service to lending and everything in between.”

James shares, “I will usually be out on the golf course or hanging out with friends and family when I’m not at the bank.”



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