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Make Your Physical and Financial Health Priorities This Year

When most people think about improving their health, they think exercise and eating right. What about your financial health? Financial health contributes to your overall well-being. Budgeting and saving money are important to living a full, well-balanced life. Getting off-track with finances can bring unnecessary, unhealthy stress to your mind and body.

The journey to financial health is very similar to the journey towards optimum physical health: start small, develop good habits and work on achievable goals. Here are a few ways to prioritize and balance financial and physical well-being, helping you to save money, spend wisely and benefit your body all at the same time!

  • Waive the gym membership. You don’t need a fancy gym to get in a workout every day. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk during your lunch hour, or meet a friend for a weekend hike for additional motivation.
  • Use the library for more than books. Libraries have evolved with the times. You can get free passes to local attractions, instructional kits to learn a new hobby like crochet and you can even take out gadgets like FitBits that will keep your body active while saving money. And many offer audio book recordings.
  • Take your coffee to-go from home: Making your own coffee at home will not only save money, but it’ll most likely contain a lot less calories than the gourmet coffee you pick up on your way to work.
  • Analyze your grocery list. Groceries are expensive these days! Make smart choices when scanning the grocery aisles. Eliminate impulse buys (like candy and high energy drinks that always seem to be by the register) or buying foods that aren’t good for you. Take a prewritten list to the store to keep you from temptations and only buy what you need.
  • Quit smoking. This may not be an easy task, but the benefits of eliminating the cost and working toward healthier lungs, will be worth it!  

Like any journey, reward yourself when you’ve hit a milestone or accomplished a goal. It doesn’t have to be something big, but it’ll feel very satisfying. Your mind, body and wallet will thank you!  Contact us if we can help you establish – and act on – your financial priorities for 2023. 

Waypoint Bank strives to be an exceptional provider of superior financial solutions that promote the small-town approach of putting the customer first while earning their trust in the most friendly and professional manner possible.



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