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National Agriculture Week

National Agriculture Week is celebrated each March, this year taking place March 21 – 27.

At Waypoint Bank, we are honored to celebrate and acknowledge the agricultural industry and the role it plays in stabilizing the economy. Giving thanks for being a source of abundant food and renewable products as well as providing millions of stable jobs and careers. It also emphasizes the efforts made by those involved in agriculture for providing us with necessities that most of us take for granted.

A few quick ag stats:
• There are 22 million people employed in the agricultural sector. In Nebraska, a quarter of the state’s workforce is connected to the Nebraska ag industry. And in Colorado, over 195,000 are employed in agriculture.
• The average farm size in the US is about 434 acres. Did you know that Nebraska farms and ranches equate to 44.9 million acres, 92% of the state’s total land area? And in Colorado, farms and ranches are spread across 31.8 million acres.

Click here to learn more about National Agriculture Week.



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