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Tips for Saving

Now that summer is over, you may be turning your attention to the holidays. There is certainly a lot of joy that comes with the season, but it can be stressful too if finances are tight. Take advantage of Waypoint Bank’s tips to help you start putting some money aside. Here are some ideas on how you can save now to help with buying gifts and holiday entertaining later.

  • Set it and forget it: Open a savings account to automatically transfer even just $20 each week or every few days. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your savings will accumulate.
  • Club Santa Savings: Our Club Santa personal savings account is a great way to save for Christmas shopping. You simply set up an automated transfer from an internal account or payroll deduction periodically throughout the year to help you prepare for the holiday season. Around October 25 of each year, you will receive a check for the entire balance in your account to cover all your shopping needs.
  • Make small compromises: Making coffee or lunch at home to bring to work instead of grabbing them out will help you save every week.
  • Payroll deductions: Schedule to have a selected amount transferred to your savings account from every salary deposit. You won’t risk spending your full paycheck if you have some money automatically transferred.
  • Use debit instead of credit: Using a debit card will keep you more accountable because you’ll spend only what you have, and you’re less likely to make impulsive purchases. With a credit card, you’re likely to spend more and pay interest on purchases.
  • Automatic payments: Use online banking to schedule automatic payments for utilities, credit cards, mortgage, and other monthly payments. Not only will it save you time from doing it every month, but it will ensure you don’t get hit with any late fees. Paying more than credit card minimums will also help you save some money in the long run.

Let Waypoint Bank guide you in putting together a savings plan that will work with your lifestyle. Together, we can help reach your financial goals.

Waypoint Bank strives to be an exceptional provider of superior financial solutions that promote the small-town approach of putting the customer first while earning their trust in the most friendly and professional manner possible. Stop by or phone your local Waypoint Bank today.



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