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Tips to Protect Yourself While on Vacation

Before you go on vacation, you automatically plan to secure your home. We want to point out it’s vitally important to take steps to protect your personal information. Traveling presents many opportunities for identity theft or for hackers to access your personal data, so it’s important to take precautions. 

Here are a few tips to help you protect yourself before going away, so you can relax and just have fun while on vacation. 

Update all software: If any of your devices need software updates, install them at home on your secure internet connection before you leave. Updating the software will help ensure your device’s security is up-to-date.

Only take what you need: Take only your driver’s license, passport and one or two credit or debit cards you’ll be using on vacation. It’ll be easier to monitor fewer cards, and you’ll have less to deal with if your wallet or purse is lost or stolen. 

Avoid public computers and public Wi-Fi: If you really need to use the hotel computer or public Wi-Fi, do not conduct any online banking or engage in commerce. Try not to enter any personal information or passwords while using these, and if you must, be certain these are not saved. 

Hold your mail: Set up a mail hold with your post office, which is especially important if you don’t have a locked mailbox. If mail accumulates, it may be obvious that you’re not home and tempt someone to look through the pile. You don’t want personal information to get into the wrong hands.

Sign up for eStatements: Eliminate paper statements which will help protect your financial information! Learn how to sign up for eStatements here.

Contact your bank and credit card providers: Make sure to let them know the dates and where you’ll be traveling. That way, out-of-town charges won’t look suspicious, and your card won’t be declined while using it on vacation. You’ll also want to set up alerts for any unusual charges. Download the Waypoint Bank mobile app and put travel alerts about upcoming card use.

To learn more about the tools Waypoint Bank provides to help protect your personal information while on vacation, please call us at 833-541-0854 or stop by your local Waypoint Bank branch.



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