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Waypoint Bank – Eustis Donated $1,000 to Eustis Volunteer Fire Department

The board of directors of Waypoint Bank – Eustis graciously donated $1,000 to the Eustis Volunteer Fire Department on Thursday, December 22, 2022. This donation will help purchase new grassland gear necessary for the firefighters. Pictured are Eustis Fire Department Fire Chief of 2022, Levi Parker, and Eustis Branch Assistant Vice President, Tristan Newcomb.


Waypoint Bank – Eustis donates $1,000 to Eustis Volunteer Fire Department

Waypoint Bank – Eustis is pleased to announce on Thursday, December 22, its board of directors donated $1,000 to the Eustis Volunteer Fire Department to help it purchase a new grass land gear.

Southwestern Nebraska was menaced earlier this year by grass fires. “We appreciate all of the hard work put in by the Eustis Volunteer Fire Department this past year with all of the fires,” said Tristan Newcomb, Waypoint Bank – Eustis assistant vice president. “We never want to take for granted the dedication of their volunteerism, and they will continually have the support of Waypoint Bank – Eustis not only for today, but in the years to come.”

Waypoint Bank cares deeply about our state, and the bank is honored to contribute to help making fighting future grass fires safer for our volunteers while they are protecting our families and neighbors.

“So many of our friends, family and communities were impacted by the fires that burned this year. As Nebraskans, we saw the support from local farmers, community first responders/firefighters as well as those from across the great state of Nebraska,” said Tim Sladek, Waypoint Bank Nebraska market president. “We sincerely thank and proudly support each person who went above and beyond to help their neighbors in need. This donation is a small token of gratitude for all the volunteer first responders in Eustis that answer the call to support their local community every day.”



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