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How to Budget For an Expensive Wedding Season

While we all enjoy celebrating love, the wedding season itself can be difficult to navigate financially. Committing to multiple weddings during the summer means committing to several costs, including travel, wardrobe, registries, food, and lodging. Even though it can be daunting, the wedding season should be enjoyable and relaxing. Thankfully, there are some tips and smart decisions you can make when budgeting out this time of the year.

Start saving now

It is never too early to start saving some extra money for these types of events, especially when you know of friends and family hinting at the prospect of marriage. Moving a little bit of money over into a personal savings account every month can help with the financial burden in the future, making it easier for you to have fun with the wedding experience.

Go for the less expensive options

Even though showering the bride and groom with lavish gifts is the ideal, that may not be in the best interest for your bank account. If the couple offers a price range on their registry, take the option that best fits your financial situation. You can also split a gift with another guest or two to minimize the cost while maximizing the gift. Wear something you already own, instead of buying a new outfit. This is the easiest way to be financially strategic with the chaos of wedding seasons. If you do not have the expected attire at hand, renting tuxes or dresses is another smart option.

Secure your transportation and lodging early

There are several ways to save when booking your accommodations during the wedding season. Researching different airlines and hotels can give you an insight on cheaper prices and deals. In addition, airfare and lodging typically offer cheaper rates the earlier you book. In some cases, wedding groups may get a group lodging discount at a designated location. While these deals may not save you the most money, it is a good option to look into when planning. You can also share a hotel room or lodging with multiple people to cut down on the cost per person.

Decline the invitation if necessary

Sometimes these events are out of your budget, particularly when someone plans a destination wedding. While it is not ideal, declining your wedding invitation might be the best option for you to save money and avoid financial stress. Instead of attending a wedding, you can offer to treat the couple to dinner or send them a nicer gift than you planned for originally.

Life can be expensive, but Waypoint Bank is here for you. Contact your local branch today to find out how we can guide your success.



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