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Wish a Farmer Well During National Farm Safety and Health Week

Did you know that agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States? There were 573 farming fatalities in 2019 alone. The fall season is especially hazardous since farmers are vigorously working to get in the year’s crops. That is why the third week of September – the beginning of fall – is National Farm Safety and Health Week. 

At Waypoint Bank, farmers hold a special place in our hearts. Agricultural banking is where Waypoint Bank’s roots began, clear back in 1883. We want to take this opportunity to remind those working so hard to put food on our tables to not overlook their own health and well-being. That not only means being mindful of tractor and equipment safety, and cautiously handling chemicals, but it also means to make time to eat good meals, get adequate sleep and indulge in self-care.

Please join us in encouraging the health and safety of farm families who work so hard to feed our state. As community residents, let’s help farmers by pulling over when farm equipment is coming towards you on the road, and support them by choosing establishments that source their food locally. (Simple acts of kindness are always appreciated.)

Waypoint Bank also makes an effort to support the agricultural industry with special loans designed for their business. With over 130 years as a leader in ag financing, we understand that no two operations are alike. With lines of credit for row crop, cattle feeding, along with cow and calf, we provide several agricultural loan options.

Waypoint Bank strives to be an exceptional provider of superior financial solutions that promote the small-town approach of putting the customer first while earning their trust in the most friendly and professional manner possible. Stop by your local Waypoint Bank today or schedule an appointment online.

For more about Waypoint Bank and our commitment to our community, visit our Community page.




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