

Giving Back Shapes Our Bank and Community

Giving Back Shapes Our Bank and Community

As a family-owned, community bank, Waypoint Bank encourages our employees to actively give back to the communities we serve. Some examples of giving back include supporting nonprofit organizations by donating, volunteering, and sponsoring events. Other ways to give...

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What is a Notary and How Can One Help You?

What is a Notary and How Can One Help You?

Have you ever needed to get something notarized and not sure why or what to do? Purchasing a home, filing divorce papers, or writing a will are just a few instances when you might need a notary. A notary serves as a witness when an important or legal document is being...

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Test Your Financial Literacy

Test Your Financial Literacy

National Financial Awareness Day is August 14 – a designated day to review your financial planning.  Take steps towards improving your financial literacy, which includes knowing how to save, invest, spend, and budget your money. You want to be smart when it comes to...

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The Benefits of Community Banking

The Benefits of Community Banking

Community Banking In an era of big banks, there's something special about banking with a family-owned community bank. These banks, deeply rooted in their communities, offer unique advantages that set them apart from larger institutions. Read below about the benefits...

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Scam Alert! IRS Warns of Deceptive Mailing

Scam Alert! IRS Warns of Deceptive Mailing

In an effort to keep our Waypoint Bank community safe and aware, we want to share a recent warning that has been distributed from the IRS of a new scam involving a mailing that serves to deceive recipients into believing they are entitled to a tax refund. The mailing...

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Succession Planning in Agribusiness Succession

Succession Planning in Agribusiness Succession

Thinking about passing on your farm business can be emotional and overwhelming, even if you plan on keeping the business within the family. Although you may not be retiring anytime soon, you should consider putting a succession plan in place. It’s important to clearly...

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How Waypoint Bank Can Help With Your Home Loans

How Waypoint Bank Can Help With Your Home Loans

Waypoint Bank makes it a priority to offer a wide range of financial options to make home ownership attainable. We understand that buying a home can be stressful and confusing, so we strive to help you every step of the way when it comes to obtaining a home loan....

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Tips to Protect Yourself While on Vacation

Tips to Protect Yourself While on Vacation

Before you go on vacation, you automatically plan to secure your home. We want to point out it’s vitally important to take steps to protect your personal information. Traveling presents many opportunities for identity theft or for hackers to access your personal data,...

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Emergency fund: What is it and why you need it

Emergency fund: What is it and why you need it

The word emergency, by definition, is “a sudden unexpected situation requiring immediate attention.” Unfortunately, emergencies often come with financial consequences. Our finances can be immediately impacted by an accident, job loss or a significant home repair....

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May is National Beef Month

May is National Beef Month

Late spring ushers in the sounds of lawn mowers running, kids playing outdoors, and tantalizing smells wafting from grills! A good old-fashioned barbecue with burgers and steaks brings people together and is a great way to reconnect with neighbors and friends you...

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